Monday, March 9, 2020

Deep in our heart.

For as the scriptures said: Out of the believers heart shall flow rivers of living water John 7:38
Imagine a heart so filled with God's love that it flows out rivers. Not streams, not puddles not a stagnant body of water sitting in the heart, but water that flows from the heart like a river, watering and drenching all that flows from it, all coming from a heart full of the knowledge and love of God.
Deep in our heart sits the most precious thing, a space  filled with out deep and sacred love of God. Its like God lives there.
I was reading a parable from the Upanishads which says: In the body there is a small shrine. In that shrine there is a lotus. In that lotus there is a little space. What is it that lives in that little space? The whole universe is in that little space because the creator, the source of it all is in the heart of each one of us.
May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.
Anne, servant of the Lord
not a lotus but a beautiful tulip opening out like an opening heart.