Monday, July 29, 2019

There is more to football than football

God lives in us. 1 John 4:1
A one liner that has a huge impact. A one liner that says it all if we love one another.  I think it was Julian of Norwich who took a one liner and pondered on it in depth with great insight. Sometimes we can be engaging in every day life and come face to face with a one liner, for example, I was watching a crowed stadium at a sports event  one day and among the banners and flags that were flying was a simple one liner in bold print on a piece of cardboard which said : John 3:16 and being a football fan I was watching the Raiders game last night  and I noticed some players had writing on their wrist strapping. One I saw was a persons name and when a try was scored the wearer would touch his wrist strapping, then his chest, and then point to heaven.  But the writing on one  wrist particularly caught my eye in the middle of a tackle. It was in bold black printed, two words saying simply 'Jesus Lives.' Thousands watch the football either on TV or in the crowd and thousands saw those words, 'Jesus lives.'. Now that is literally wearing your faith on your sleeve for all the world to see.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord

Peace - Jesus Lives.