Monday, July 22, 2019

A priceless present

This is the day that the Lord has made: we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
This verse of psalm 118 has a lovely ring to it. Its a happy verse and especially carries a real depth   for those who are morning people. What a way to start the day by looking out the window (when you cant be out walking in it) as the dawn creeps through the last veil of the fading darkness. Its hard not to recite this verse while engaging in the morning. This is the day which the Lord has made - I think, here it is, new, fresh and a door to open into a wealth of opportunities., unimaginable opportunities, graciously given by a gracious God. Here is a chance to live another day. Here is a chance for blessings to roll, to give and to receive and a chance to serve the Lord more and more.
Sometimes we dont even see this side of a day. Perhaps we just roll out of bed with a head already full of the days list of things to do and sometimes we might say from under the blankets, 'surly its not time to get up already!' However we look at a new day it sets the pattern for the day. Which pattern for your day would you like to set - acknowledging God is in it from the very beginning or not even seeing him until the morning is well past. Alice Britt Chole says:'As we open our eyes each morning, God sets before us a priceless present. Unique, fresh, and full of potential. Each day God gives us time - rejoice and be glad in it.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
And a new day dawns