Friday, April 5, 2019

layer upon layer

'I am the resurrection and the life.' says the Lord. John 11:25
There is something special about autumn. God brings a sense of freshness, of quiet mornings, of colour and emptiness, of fog and mist, of perfect reflections on still waters. A beauty so deep. I think in every season we can see the Glory of the Lord if we are looking. There are multiple layers of death and life, all seeming to die before living. Its resurrection' stuff' that brings to mind the Easter message. Take a moment, just a moment and marvel at a tree in colour, then look again in a little while at its emptiness and then, in spring look again, and see layer upon layer of the Glory of the Lord. Of death and dying and resurrection.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Multiple layers of life and death