Monday, August 24, 2015

spreading the gospel

I want you to know, beloved, that what has happened to me has actually helped to spread the gospel. Phil 1:12
I think of us all and how we have got to where we are, Christian believers,servants of Christ. I think of the road, the journey,that has led us to a solid faith, one so convincing that we can not help  but spread it everywhere we go and particularly in the areas immediately around us and with those we reach out to with the love of Christ. I was listening to the garden show on the radio and they were talking about a particular weed that develops a seed pod and once you touch that pod its seeds go 'woooooosh' up in the air and outwards and land all over the ground around the plant. The name of the plant is 'Jumping Jesus.' What imagery. What a parable,   I want to say, go jump for Jesus!!
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord.