Monday, July 8, 2013

the cushion of God's love

The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7.

The clouds this morning were grey, tinged with the pink of the sunrise and sat low in the valley looking like they had fallen from the sky. Peeks of mountains poked through them and the whole scene emanated the quiet and stillness of the morning and a peace, a God filled peace was present.
 There are many places to find the deep peace of God. LB Cowman says in a reflection that there is a part of the sea known as 'the cushion of the sea.' and it lies beneath the surface that is agitated by storms and churned by the wind and it is so deep that it never stirs.
The peace of God is an eternal  calm  like this cushion of the sea, or the peaceful, God present peace of the valley. It lies deep in our hearts undisturbed by what is happening around and within us. This peace comes when we take God with us in the moments of our days and lives regardless of the storms within and without.
I like this quote from Pilgrim's Progress which says: ' Pilgrim was taken to a large upper room that faced the sunrise and the name of the room was peace.'
May the deep peace of God's love and presence be the cushion for you today.
Anne, servant of the Lord.