Friday, February 1, 2013

The glory of God

' The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.' Ps 19:1

It is so amazing how God works when we are aware of his presence in our every day life.

I sense this and feel it often and on one particular occasion I remember being in a rural setting where kangaroos and birds of many varieties were in abundance and as I sat on a granite outcrop at dawn, half way up a hill,I surveyed a panorama of deep blue rolling mountains,distant ones snow capped,green hills and rabbits almost at my feet and God graced me with a brier bush full of blue wrens.
I wrote in my note book: Today I have been blessed at the start of the day with a chorus of kookaburras and I have been amongst God's treasures. For me he opened the lid of his treasure chest and let a few come out,just for me and as I was thanking him in a breathtaking response he gave me one more of his treasures, a beautiful purple orchid,so nice, so delicate amidst the granite and brier.
 I thought of the all powerful,mighty God who created rugged mountains, who can also create in contrast, a delicate, breathtaking,beautiful orchid. Little do we realise sometimes that the glory and the power of he who made the universe lies hidden in a flower.
Today when you look at God's mighty, awesome creation, pause at a beautiful flower and see God's love and a message from him, just for you.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne,servant of the Lord.