Monday, February 4, 2013

Blessed assurance

' Jesus, all beauty,heavenly and earthly,in you is wondrously found to be;  none can be nearer,fairer or dearer than you,my saviour are to me.'
 Sometimes we look for assurance of the presence of God. We know he is there but we just need that little confirmation, an Ahaaa occasion. Its a bit like having someone sleeping near us at night, we know they are there  but are assured by their gentle breathing. Sometimes the presence of God will come through nature, for me its specifically the blue wrens. Sometimes it will be a beautiful view across the countryside, over the ocean or through the stark arid desert. Sometimes it will be in the quite and stillness and sometimes we can't miss it when God reaches his hand  through the clouds at sunrise, and spreads his fingers and blesses us with his presence in soft light mingled with morning mist.
Heading to work today with challenges?
perhaps facing surgery
perhaps in the labour ward
perhaps fare welling a soldier for overseas service
perhaps feeling anxious or alone
perhaps just needing reassurance.

Look about  a moment,it only takes a second for the light of Christ to reveal himself anew.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne,servant of the Lord.