Friday, April 20, 2012

Autumn. God's love

'Accept my offerings of praise O Lord.' Ps 119:108
For me the morning is where I have the free mind and heart to meditate on the things of God and what a special thing that is, that one on one with God. It warms the heart by his presence.
I love the autumn confrontation of beauty, breathtaking revelations of multiple colours of his glory. I look from tree to tree with a sense of 'there he is, there he is and there he is over there also.' Its wonderful to capture his Spirit this way, its fuel for the day.
Look about , don't lose the moment of the Spirits refreshing in a rush to get to yesterdays unfinished work. Pause a moment with God.
Thank you God for giving us much more than we expect.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.