Monday, September 5, 2011

a gentle touch of kindness

' As servants of God,we have commanded ourselves in every purity, knowledge, patients, kindness, holiness of spirit, genuine love.' 2 Corinthians 6:4-6
That sense of standing on sacred ground is such a 'God thing' that you cant explain it but you know in yourself you have made a connection with God. That you are one.
I was coming up to the traffic lights on my way out of town and thought a coffee for the road would be good. At the same time I had this thought I saw the unshaven, unkept looking man who's 'daily self employment' is to wash the windows of cars stopped at the lights. Something in my mind said...get two coffee. I did, and as I swung around the lights to the highway, window wound down, I passed a coffee over to him. Driving on I heard his words of amazement and heart felt thanks.
Lord Jesus, sow the seeds of kindness in our hearts today. Teach us more to see with your eyes and act with your heart. Help us all to be ready to offer that gentle touch that comes from oneness with you.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.