Monday, March 21, 2011

Walking meditation

' Seek, O seek the Lord while he is near.' TIS 464

Images in life surround us all the time but we don't often read into them anything of significance to our life journey in a spiritual way. I love the 'God' connection when I see a part of creation, in any of its forms be it God himself or his message.
Walking the beach earlier this year I saw many such images but one in particular caused me to stop and reflect. It was of three stones, clustered together and two or three separate from the group and into my mind came several thoughts like 'gathering and dispersing' or 'when two or three are gathered together in my name there I will be also.'
Reflective, meditation walks are so 'life giving' so connecting to God's Spirit. Recently someone told me how a large butterfly came and settled on his hand and stayed there for some 15 minutes in stillness and quietness. What a God moment.
To have such moments we need stillness, quiet and time alone with God.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.