Monday, November 15, 2010

'symbols' of Gods presence

'......when he is revealed.............we will see him as he is.' 1 John 3:2
Ever present God.
We only have to stay conscious of that to receive daily blessings and encouragement from him. Many of us have 'symbols' in nature that remind us of the presence of God.....we see them and God speaks.
I remember when in hospital, looking out the corridor window with longing ,in the direction of home and I looked down to a new building site. The building had been completed but alongside it were piles of builders rubble in the mud of recent rain and there, sitting precariously on a piece of wire, in all the mess, was a blue wren, singing his heart out. and in that moment God spoke.
All I could say was, 'Thank you, thank you Lord, as my spirit rose.
In all the rubble of daily life, if we keep watch, we see and feel the 'symbols'in life, the reminders of Gods love and hope.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.