Monday, November 8, 2010

Here I am Lord

...'Long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin and nature's night: thine eye defused a quickening ray---I woke: the dungeon flamed with light! my chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed thee.' (Charles Wesley TIS 209)

One of my favourite hymns is that of Charles Wesley: 'And can it be....'

I thought of this as I arrived at Galong Monastery for the retreat. I stopped on the outside of the gate and peered in through the fence at peaceful setting within the grounds and I immediately was struck by Wesley's words and I felt a sense of the business of the world falling away and a peace filling that inner emptying space.

Oh the joy, the necessity and the blessings of retreating into the lap of God in a place of peace and quiet.

Its absolutely essential to take a retreat. A holiday is refreshing but a retreat is refilling.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
