Monday, January 25, 2010

seeds of peace

'Peace I leave with you;my peace I give you.' John 14:27
I had a sense in the small hours of the morning that even though the year is young, there are many out there who need a touch of God's peace today.
I'm a gardener, I love to be in the garden, planting, pruning, potting, enjoying. Its one of those places where I meet God and the signs of his hand work are all around and as for biblical imagery, it abounds.
It's a place of peace but more so the sense of peace comes when you realise the magnitude of our God.
Lucado says: 'Want to see a miracle? Take a seed the size of a freckle. Put it under several inches of dirt, give it water, light and fertilizer. And get ready. A mountain will be moved. It doesn't matter that the ground is a zillion times the weight of the seed. The seed will push it back! Never underestimate the power of a seed.'
Just reflect a moment: If you need peace today, think of the seed, think of the magnitude of God.....wait for the miracle .......and be at peace.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
