Friday, January 29, 2010

Gold in the morning

' In your presence there is fullness of joy....' Psalm 16:11
Some pastoral visits have a sense that God walked right in the front door with you.
Yesterday morning I was visiting a 92 year old lady of German descent who had survived the war and worked at that time as a social worker......... imagine that task!
It was one of those pastoral visit that leaves you thinking, there is no place I would rather be, there is no other thing I would rather be doing, there is no one else I would rather be with at this point than this person and God.....and Oh how present he was.

Our conversation came somehow to morning walks and sunrises and she said to me, with a far away look in her eyes............ There is a saying we had in Germany about the early morning sunrise, translated it says something like this: ' The gold in the morning, brings God to the mouth.'
Its not the things that can be bought, that are life's little treasures, it's just the little 'heart gifts' that money can not measure.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ