Friday, December 18, 2009

I've a mind to be contagious

' For you will be his witness to all the world...........' Acts 22:15
I was so blessed and filled with a sense of the 'Spirit, moving in this place,' when I received a Christmas card from a parent at school who's child has severe disabilities. She said, ' I asked him what he does in the GT's group (God's Team) at school .' And he replied, 'We learn how to look after for each other like Jesus.'

I was so moved, so touched. How wonderful it is to be a servant of Christ, a messenger for him, a gatherer for him, a spokesperson for him, a deliverer of a message that brings life to all.

I trust you too can reflect on your year and see the footprint of Christ in the lives you have touched.
I love this verse from Macrina Wiederkehr:
Don't hurry morning, come slowly, dress yourself in light, climb over the hill lovingly, hand me a new day hopefully, get into my bloodstream, and colour me like the rising sun, slowly. I've a mind to be contagious. Colour me bright.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.