Friday, December 4, 2009

God's love for us

'What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them.' Psalm 8:4
I took and evening walk and paused in the dark to look up to the sky, covered in masses of stars and a large, white full moon, just there, suspended, and in all that vastness....I felt small, just like a dot and the words of Psalm 8 came to me..'When I look at the heavens and the work of your fingers....the moon and the stars which you have established ....' no wonder I was feeling small and I had this overwhelming desire to fall on my knees.....'what are humans that you are mindful of us...that you care for us'
At the age care facility I have introduced the Hymn, 'How deep the Father's love for vast beyond all measure....' We sing this in realization that even in all that God has created he cares for US...for every one of us....even you.
Grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ