Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing. Revelations 5:11
I read these lines: At the end of my life I hope I have used up every single bit of the talents God gave me. Now that would be a life well lived! I was reflecting on this as I was looking at the fuchsia bush flowering in all its glory in parts and declining in other parts, and the dead flowers and I thought wow, you, having been created by God, have used all your talents bringing glory and joy from your first bud to your last declining bloom, growing to your full potential and flourishing.
The prayers fell from my lips into the sacred space. 'Dear Lord, may we flourish and bloom as your creations. Give us our full potential to bring joy and your glory to others.'
Jehovah-shalom. The Lord is peace. Anne. Servant of the Lord
Full potential.