Morning has broken, like a new morning. Blackbird has spoken like the first bird. Praise for the singing, praise for the morning. Praise them for springing fresh from the world (Hymn)
A few words from Macrina Wiederkehr crossed my mind as I woke up today. -'soft light of a new day - light born from earth's turning - a new light streams out of the darkness' and I could not help but think of the faithfulness of God, how day after day, night after night, day rolls into night and night into day. And there, again I hear it, the faithfulness of the birds singing their morning song of love. I love the way God just brings on a new day with singing and that 'pull' of the spirit within me moves me to the sacred space, to be in his presence, to enjoy this wonderful gift of a new day and the silence wrapped in the bird songs.
Lord, you bless us with light at the sun's rising, shine on us now with love. Anne, servant of the Lord.
And the night turns to day.