Friday, June 30, 2023

The Lord is here.

 I am always aware of the Lords presence; he is near and nothing can shake me . Psalm 16:8

There are things to be seen and things to be heard all around us if we attune our eyes and ears, if we are in a state of awareness, otherwise they become lost so much so that at times we completely miss them.

Noel Davis said it well when he wrote: ' The tiny bird singing in the old banksia tree, the family of wrens spilling joy through the garden. Lord meet me there.'  

Unaware of our surroundings, rushing into the day, so much can be missed.

Mane Nobiscum Domine - Remain with us Lord.       Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                    Not just a clump of weeds.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Shalom, the Lord is peace

 My peace I give you. John 14:27

There is a peace in us - 'God's peace' that allows us to jump hurdles and ward off anxiety and sing a song even in hard times. Its a peace that carries us. A peace that sings in our soul. A peace that says 'all is well and all will be well'  It reminds me of the little bird that sat on a fragile twig that hung out over a great waterfall and despite the fragility of the twig, the chasm below  and the roar of the waterfall he sat there and he sang and he sang. In all our ups and downs of life remember the words of Jesus: 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. ' John 14:27

May the peace of God fill your life every single day.    Anne, servant of the Lord

God's peace at the close of day.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Pods of living water

 He made water flow for you from the flint rock. Deut 8:15

I was watching the raindrops fall into the birdbath. As they rippled to the edge one after the other, they fell, pods of life giving water that rolled off the edge and onto the garden below. Raindrops full of nourishment, so small yet so vital to life.

Filled with thelife giving, living waters of Jesus we too become pods of nourishment that spill over into those God puts in our path day by day. May those pods of nourishment overflow and strengthen. May not one drop go to waste.

May the peace of God fill your life every single day.     Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                        Life giving water.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Sing ye birds.

 My voice you will hear in the morning,  O Lord will I direct my prayers to you and I will look up. Psalm 5: 3

I love to go outside before turning in for the night and just look with wonder and awe at the night sky. In the cold crisp frosty night the moon illuminates everything on earth and the stars are radiant and shinning in their millions upon millions - and all is still - silent. What an incredible creator we have - the magnitude of his creation, but there is more. I read these words: 'In the vastness of the stary night how easy to see the workings of God! But teach me, Oh teach me to see it in all the small things that abide around us' Things like the naked tree stretching long arms upwards and in its branches the magpies warbling every so beautifully and in harmony and a touch of the golden  sun rays hitting just one spot on the frosty lawn reminding me of the pearl of great price. Listening to the Magpies I am reminded of the words of  William Wordsworth . ' Then sing, ye birds, sing, sing, sing a joyous song.' Ah how God lavishes his love on us, showering us with his presence. Don't miss it. Don't just look up for God but seek him everywhere, come face to face with him.

Mane Nobiscum Domine. Remain with us Lord.             Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                Early Morning.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Constant companion

The Lord is my constant companion......he touches me with eternal joy.( Psalm 23 from Psalms Now)

Our companionship with God,  can be so refreshing and enlightening,  He draws us into his world of wonder and delight and what's so amazing about it is that we don't have to travel the world to find it. Its right there and all we have to do is step outside. This morning it was in his voice as the 3 magpies on the fence were warbling and breaking notes of a morning song, serenading one another for our joy.  It was in the ground, coloured different every morning, that is today dressed in glistening frosty white as  the winter sun walked across it. and its  in the fragrance of the wet autumn leaves mulching  the earth.    William Wordsworth wrote, ' Its the harvest of a quiet eye.'   

May the faith that gives us hope. May the love that shows the way. May the peace that cheers the heart, be yours today (Unknown)

Anne, Servant of the Lord

Morning has broken

Friday, June 9, 2023

Heaven on earth

 All creatures if our God and King. (TIS 100)

I recall lifting a garden pot from its resting place to be taken by surprise and delight at a tiny little brown,   frog, its eyes wide open and looking  at me just as surprised.  I love it when we find the tiny creatures in their world, living their life, their way, like the tiny frog and a black and orange beetle burrowing in the vegetable garden soil.  I read these words that were said to be written on  ancient papyrus. They are said to be the words of Jesus Christ. ' God is down here with us in the world, not away up there .'  When we look, when we seek, when we see, may we do so with real delight as we see  what God sees. 

Mane Nobiscum Domine - Remain with us Lord.         Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                    A tiny brown frog.

Monday, June 5, 2023

A single leaf

All things bright and beautiful - the Lord God made them all. TIS 135 

From the sacred space.

In the stillness, in the quiet - peace as a single leaf twists in the gentle breeze and spirals graciously, like a ballerina to the ground, where it rests on a carpet of colour.

A few moments of awareness with God and your entireday can change. 

May the peace of God fill your life every single day. Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                            Gently falling.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Full of God

 Come change our love from a spark to a flame. TIS 690

The deep, deep, rich red and crimson of the remaining leaves on the tree and the kaleidoscope of yellow coloured ones, falling gently, silently, carpeting the ground first took my attention and then a smile crossed my face as I watched a pee-wee come onto the birdbath, skidding  with surprise on the ice covered water. Its a still morning, mist laden images of the garden silhouetted in a weak rising sun, beauty almost indescribable . Ahhh, the joy of being in the sacred space. I read this observation by Angela of Foligno, a Franciscan nun from the 13th centaury.' The eyes of my soul were opened, and I held the plenitude of God, whereby I did comprehend the whole world, both here and beyond the sea, and the abyss and all things else; therin  I beheld naught save the divine power in a manner indescribable, so that through access of marvelling the soul cried with a loud voice, saying; ' This world is full of God.!'

Mane Nobiscum Domine.  Remain with us Lord.        Anne, servant of the Lord.    

                                                        Deep, deep, rich red.