Friday, March 3, 2023

Always here, always present.

 I am with you always, day by day, until the close of the age. Matthew 28:20

Morning after morning is a God experience, like looking into the face of God, seeing him eye to eye as he makes 'a new day.' Splendid colours, fresh clean air, peaceful quiet only broken by the chorus of birds expressing the same thanks to God of the new day. I talked to a lady recently who was struggling with a seemingly hopeless diagnosis of cancer. She said, ' and I am  filled with tears and fear, and when I woke this morning and before anything else these words came to me: Nothing will happen to you that you can't handle  because I am with you. I believe God said that  to me, it was like we were in the same room, just him and me  and he wanted me to have assurance and trust in him.'  There will be her strength in her weakness for the days to come, whatever they hold.  These 'Aha' experiences that tell us God is present anchor our souls to our maker and its there we find deep peace.

May your day be richly blessed from the first encounter, the first 'Aha' that God is with you.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                Slandered  colour of the new day.