Monday, February 13, 2023

Christ in the heart

 Standing before the Grevilia bush had me in awe at how, with some seemingly dead brown branches, the bright, deep red of a flower were a delight...…deep, deep red amidst the brown bush.

'He heard things which cannot be put in words.' 2 Corinthians 12:4

This verse drew me to reflect on what it is that we 'hear in our hearts' and can not put into words. The magnificent scenery in a special place. The reflection on a pond. The peal of a church bell. The chorus of morning birds when all else is asleep. Time and history etched on the face of the elderly. The perfume of the Jasmine. The  quiet spaces. The reaching out of hands for the sacrament. They cause a small voice in our mind to say 'Ahhh' and sense the presence of God that can't be described.

Matthew Henry said: The ground of our hope is Christ in the world but the evidence of our hope is Christ in the heart.

Jehovah, shalom. The Lord is peace.                    Anne, servant of the Lord.

A quiet place - peace and Ahhh, the presence of God.