Monday, November 11, 2019


Love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord. Thessalonians. 1:3
 The catastrophe fire storms have left so many people homeless, lives lost and  stock killed and thousands of miles of bush and wildlife destroyed  . Can there be any hope for those who are in the midst of all of this? I was watching the news and taken by the hope that one farmer has. He was all but burnt out yet in a paddock that had been singed by fire and surrounded by devastation there was a  horse who had just given birth to a new foal.The farmer saw this as a sign, and it gave him a great sense of hope. Amidst the fire storm there was new life,a blessing,  a new beginning and a quote came to my mind: 'Hope is like the sun, which,as we walk towards it, casts a shadow of our burdens behind us.' (author unknown) 
May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in all ways.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
New life, new hope.