Friday, November 1, 2019

Holding tight

Hold me up that I may be safe: Psalm 119:117
The wind has been particularly wild lately, blowing in all directions and with force, yet as I was driving, I was in awe of a tiny lady bird holding fast to the window screen of my car. Despite the wind which I thought had the power to break a tree, this little creature with its bright red coat and tiny black spots stayed with me on the window of my car. What incredible strength in those tiny legs and how the suction on its feet. (are they called feet on ladybirds?) held her on. I found myself talking to this little creature saying hang on we will be home soon and the moment I pulled up at home this little soul flew off the window and landed on a rose in full bloom. Its a parable isn't it?   I can see how such a story could be our story as we  hang onto God when life gets rough and the strength he gives us to hold on until we arrive 'home' and fly off to safety in him. I read this  saying: The little bugs that scurry, the little beasts that creep among the grasses and the weeds, and where the leaves are deep: All of them were made by God as part of God's design. Remember that the world is theirs, not only yours and mine.
May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.
Anne, servant of the Lord
All God's creatures have a place in the choir.