Friday, December 14, 2018

A still pond or raging waters.

There is a river  whose streams make glad Ps 46:4
Rain ,rain and more rain and how blessed we are to have had such life giving water on a drought stricken country. Its such a gift of life and always my mind goes to  what Jesus said, ' I am the living water. Whoever comes to me will not be thirsty.'
Then through us can come life giving water for others who God puts in our path.  I read this lovely reflection: (Jesus) 'Release through me, as rivers of living waters, your goodness, your truth, your love. Take my heart and fill it,take my hands and  use them, take my feet and guide them and may  your glory be the signature over all I do today.'(Lessin)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Living waters.