Monday, November 6, 2017

Foot print of the Holy

Glorify the Lord with me;let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3
I came home from my walk with  four dandelion heads in my hand, you know, the 'fluffy tops.' I couldn't help but  bend down and pick them as my mind flooded with childhood memories of sitting in the paddock with friends...half hidden  in lush  spring grass, making daisy chains and blowing the heads of the dandelions. I introduced my youngest grandson into picking dandelions and blowing the heads off as he called 'whats the time Mr Wolf' and we delighted in watching the tiny parachutes of seeds float through the air. I thought, God is so good. In all the events of life he still draws us back to times of joy, love, peace and harmony and its an awakening, a revival of his presence in all the moments of life. To quote Richard Foster: 'God wants us to be present where we are. He invites us to see and to hear what is around us and through it all, to discern the foot print of the Holy.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.