Monday, January 23, 2017

nudging and guiding

Guide me O my great redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land.I am weak but thou art mighty
hold me with thy powerful hand. (TIS 569)
I was  sitting on my front porch watching the farmer in the near by paddocks moving the cattle. He was behind them slowly nudging them in the direction he was wanting them to go, avoiding rocky outcrops and the fragile  banks of the creek and various other hazards and spots of danger. Suddenly I had  a deeper sense of the movement of Christ in our lives, how he gently nudges and  guides us and he does it 'from behind.' I read these lovely  Celtic words of wisdom:  My dearest Lord, be thou a bright flame before me, be thou a gentle guiding star above me, be thou a smooth path beneath me, be thou a kindly shepherd behind me, today and ever more. (St Columba)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.