Friday, March 18, 2016

Growing love

(Paul writes) May the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow  more and more and become as great as our love for him. Thessalonians 3:12
What a blessing it is to know how God works in our lives. Sometimes we may think its an age, a maturity thing that causes us to grow in love for other people,but not so. Paul says, ' may the Lord make your love  one another and all people grow
. Our love for others comes from the fact that Jesus first loved us and at any age that can motivate us by the power of his Spirit to love others. In our day to day life we touch so many people, often on the edge of society and somehow there is a greater understanding within our selves, a greater understanding of who we are when we know that what we do comes from the Lord.
I think of my love of the elderly and those who are isolated and alone, those with disabilities and my love of all who society passes by, the persons unseen and unlovable.
Who has the Lord made you love?
In the musical Les Miserables there is line. 'To love another person is to touch the face of God.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.