Monday, March 14, 2016

Glorious things of God are spoken

The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad. Psalm 126:3
Think on these things and be blessed:
 The hand of God as he creates each new day from the autumn morning sunrise to the glorious sunset, - skies of breathtaking  colour and beauty. (did you see the glorious sunset last night?) Those soft rays of the first light coming over the horizon touching the mountains and shifting their dark brooding colours into shades of grey and  soft blue and as the morning light travels across the valley all creation stirs into life, orchestrated by the warbling of the magpies. Magnificent! Our God is a mighty God. He reigns.  Lucardo says:
You have been sprinkled with forgiveness. You have been spattered with grace
You have been dusted with kindness, you have been immersed in it
You are submerged in mercy. you are the minnow in the ocean of God's mercy - let it change you.
Blessings for this moment, this day, this week, this life.
Morning has broken
Anne, servant of the Lord.