Monday, August 9, 2010

Sing me a song

' Remember my son, that in your lifetime you were given all the good things while Lazarus got all the bad things' Luke 16:25
'While Lazarus lay at the gates of the rich mans house begging for food, the rich man ignored him, feasting his dogs instead. ' I think of these words in the context of the elderly with dementia who live on our doorsteps. Many a time in aged care ministry I saw over and over again the neglect, neglect in abandonment. ' Why visit' I heard relatives and friend say, 'they don't know me any more.' There is rich and meaningful blessings in visiting with these folk. Reminiscing with visible aids such as photos and memorabilia from their past will be triggers of conversation and connection, these may only be brief and then forgotten but they leave a glow , a warmth,in the heart of those visited .
The Pioneer Girls leaders handbook says:
A friend hears the song in my heart
and sings it to me when my memory fails.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.