Friday, August 6, 2010

the sacramental nature

'For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which from our birth, over and around us lies. Christ our God to you we raise this our sacrifice of praise.' TIS 137
Nice words to a nice hymn or is it more than that.
I notice again the buds are bursting on the Japonica, full and red and there are bunches of deep blue violets beneath the Daphne and the plumb tree is sporting early spring blossoms, all so much more vivid and perfumed in the early mooring while the dew is still on them. And the sky at night filled with millions of stars and that moon! What a wonder its been in all its fullness and glory. But more so, what a wonder when we notice all this through the eyes of God, the creator.
Ron Ferguson from the Iona community writes:
To become aware of the sacramental nature of the cosmos,
to be open to the sacramental possibilities of each moment,
to see the face of Christ in every person,
these things are not novel
but the rediscovery is the beginning of our health.
To that I add stop, take the time to see the face of God and benefit his rich blessings.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.