Monday, June 14, 2010

Brother, let me be your servant.

A Roman officer said to Jesus: 'my servant is sick in bed at home unable to move and is suffering' Matthew 8:6
When I read this passage many names of people went through my mind.
I thought of the chaplain to a hospital with 100's to care for, often called at night.
I thought of the deacon at the drop in centre for the very disadvantaged in the community.
For a friend who cares for many in the community in the disability sector,through her love and care.
An older friend who despite her own difficulty visits and 'sups' with some elderly isolated.
The carer who cares for those less fortunate.
Yesterday at the group at church for those with disability a young man , with a disability himself,came for the first time. What a blessing he was, what a breath of fresh air as he chattered and served the one in the wheel chair and those with no speech, and all of us!.......He gave us all 'life.'
There is an anonymous saying:
The measure of greatness
is not the number of servants you have but the number of people you serve.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.