Friday, January 24, 2025

The echoes are calling.

 O God, you are my God; at dawn I seek you; for you my soul is thirsty - I have come before you in the sanctuary to behold your strength and glory. Psalm 63:2-3

One of my favourite poets is Henry Kendal and his beautiful poem. ' Bellbirds.'  ' By channels of coolness the echoes are calling, and down the dim gorges I hear the creek falling..........and softer than slumber and sweeter than singing, the notes of the bellbirds are running and ringing.' O the words of this poem have me sitting in the bush, just near a creek  and hearing the Bellbirds, such peace. To me I see Henry Kendal writing this poem from his sacred space and there the blessings of this poem flowed. And I reflect on  what happens when we spend time in our sacred space. Do words and sights of blessings flow? Is what you see and hear gifts from God? Do you glance or really see the beauty about you as God's glory? Did you hear the first call of the birds this morning and sense a blessing? Did you have a sense of peace and come away feeling ready to embrace the day?  Sacred space. Sacred moments. Sacred presence.

May the God of life bless you and keep you today and always.     Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                            By channels of coolness.