Friday, October 4, 2024

Spring glory

Join with all nature in unspoken witness to your great faithfulness, mercy and love. TIS 154

What is the glory attached to Spring? Need we ask. Just take a look about you. There is the soft fading mist of a warming mornings, tiny pearls of dew drops on the greening grass and new surprises every morning are the blooms in the garden and the blossom decorated trees some holding a carpet of petals all about them and the sky is  vast and blue. This is the glory of spring in the gift of a new day. Blessed are we to have the quiet of a sacred space to just sit, and be, and be loved by God in all that is about us as the morning soft mist rises over his creation.  Let our praise to God be forever and may peace fall like rain on our troubled world.

May the peace of God fill your life every single day.          Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                A carpet of blooms