Friday, October 7, 2022

As a river flows so may your peace flow.

 Jesus said: I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. John 14:27

It can be so hard to look at the daily news with so much trauma, distress, hardship, death and destruction in our beautiful world. Man against man and nature against climate change. Where do you find peace, that peace that Jesus offers? I get a great sense of  it when I sit reflecting, in the sacred place, just me, God and quiet, the birds and the beauty of the spring garden - God's glory abounding in all my senses and I find my cup is full for the day. Remember that song which goes, 'Peace is flowing like a river, flowing out through you and me.'  If we have that deep peace of Christ we can bring so much peace through him not just to ourselves but also to others.

May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.    Anne, servant of the Lord