Monday, June 6, 2022

A sparrow on a twig

 Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise. (TIS 599)

I had paused a moment in the early morning to look at the thick fog that was so thick that it was like darkness with only dim shapes and images visible in the gloom and then in an instance the sun broke through and it was light - the clear, clear light of a sunny day and the biblical imagery  of darkness and light leapt out at me.  I noticed the   grass so green and dew washed and thought of the pastures green 'where he leadeth me.'  and the puddles of water on the path that resonated in my spirit as  'streams of living water' and the life giving waters of refreshment we have in Christ. And that darling little sparrow sitting on a  twig to remind me that God loves me and them. I reflected on the words in a poem by Sue Monk Kidd that God comes to us in the ordinary things of life. She says: 'Everyday the nearness of God collected in me like rain water. I sensed him coming and coming and coming, in the common things that shape my day.' I could look upon the most mundane things and think of God, ever present, ever near. What are you seeing this morning and what God thoughts spring to mind?

May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways. Anne, servant of the Lord.

.                                                God's love.