Monday, September 12, 2016

take time in his presence

My Lord and my God. John 20:28
The chorus of frogs in the pond of which I know not one from the other, is unbelievable and how do they all manage to sing in such  harmony and in tune. What a delightful sound and rising above it, or is it in chorus with it, is the beautiful call of a tiny bird I am yet to identify. I think of all God's creation. All identified and known to him personally. You, me, the frogs, the tiny bird, he has put his mark and his name on it all and how special, how very special to know that he knows each and every one of all his creation by name.
I love this morning blessing: May you take time in his presence so you will remember how strong and mighty he is. And may your day be filled with sacred moments that remind you just how precious you are to him.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.