' He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.' Luke 21: 1-2
When I was in hospital I was so blessed by the gifts of flowers from people who came to visit. Flowers beautifully arranged by the florist, lining the windowsill of my room. They were just beautiful in all their glory and gave me much pleasure but I had a visit from an elderly friend who I know struggles to get out and about yet she had bent low and hard, to pick for me a bunch of deep purple violets from her garden.
When I woke up in the night, the room was filled with the perfume of these violets and I thought of her and how she gave what she could, at a personal cost and I was so blessed. Immediately into my mind came the gospel story of the widows offering.
Even the smallest things, given in love, carry a big blessing. Even the smallest blessing brings great joy.
Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.