Friday, October 18, 2024

It doesn't have to be a blue iris.

 O Master let me walk with thee. (TIS 601)

God created, formed and coloured for us to enjoy, not to rush by without even an awareness. To slow down the pace and enjoy more of the moments of creation around us is a true blessing. To walk a garden  path and see the glory it holds on its boarders of flowers, not just to notice them but to see the uniqueness of their creation or walk a bush track dotted with wild flowers and native grasses. To tune ones ears to the call of the birds. The moment is where you capture the beauty, where you have that sense of being blessed, when your heart stirs within you.  The moment is when you see what could have been missed and the moment is when you thank God for what he has revealed. Mary Oliver would say: 'It doesn't have to be a blue iris, it could be a weed on a vacant lot, or a few small stones; just pay attention, then patch a few words together into thanks.'

May the Lord of life bless you and keep you always.   Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                        Blue Iris

Friday, October 11, 2024

The splendour, the magic.

 A Thousand Hallelujahs we magnify your name. You alone deserve the glory, the honour and the praise. (Hymn by Brooke Ligertwood.)

The splendour, the magic, the theatre of spring; exploding buds, glorious colour, and busy bees, a wonder from my sacred space. It's all happening under the umbrella of 'creator God,' a window into his sacred presence.  I read a quote which said 'beauty in creation is harnessed to the heart.' and it is, so much so that it inspires me into prayer and I say, 'Bless us as we respond to your prophetic maxim:' There where you are you will find God.' (A.Remie)

May the peace of God fill your life every single day.    Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                    The splendour of spring.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Spring glory

Join with all nature in unspoken witness to your great faithfulness, mercy and love. TIS 154

What is the glory attached to Spring? Need we ask. Just take a look about you. There is the soft fading mist of a warming mornings, tiny pearls of dew drops on the greening grass and new surprises every morning are the blooms in the garden and the blossom decorated trees some holding a carpet of petals all about them and the sky is  vast and blue. This is the glory of spring in the gift of a new day. Blessed are we to have the quiet of a sacred space to just sit, and be, and be loved by God in all that is about us as the morning soft mist rises over his creation.  Let our praise to God be forever and may peace fall like rain on our troubled world.

May the peace of God fill your life every single day.          Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                A carpet of blooms

Friday, September 27, 2024

Stay awhile, love the moment

 Dear mother earth, who day by day unfold rich blessings on our way. All flowers and fruit that in you grow, let them his glory also show - O praise him. (TIS 100)

The depth and iridescent colour of the tulips was mesmerizing. Rows and rows of them in the glorious gardens of Tulip Tops. They were captivating and I thought, how does God do this? How does he not only create the plant and  the variety of colours but also the brightness of them. He must have a grand paint palate and I said to  myself in quiet meditation, don't rush, stay awhile and love the moment - Ah, just do it, love the moment.  I recall this saying: 'Each day is charged with the grandeur of God in its most resplendent moments and in its small wonders and incidental delights.' (Annon)  Don't rush wherever you are, stay awhile and love the moment.

May the peace of God fill your life every single day.           Anne, servant of the Lord. 

Love the moment.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Raise our praise!

For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies...….Christ, our God to you we raise this our sacrifice of praise. (TIS 137)

 Breath-taking design, colour and fragrance hangs around the spring gardens and captures my heart. Such beauty, such creation and its all dressed up in the beautiful sunshine of a new day and the blossom trees, O how they bless us with their glorious clusters of colour, a haven for the bees and honey eaters, and a joy for us to behold. O the love of God and the  words of a hymn come to mind: From the highest of heights to the depth of the sea creation's revealing your majesty. From the colours of fall to the fragrance of spring every creature  unique in the song that it sings... You are amazing God. 

As you bless us with light at the suns rising, shine on us now with love.   Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                Glorious things of thee are spoken.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Wild wind.

 Wind, wind blow on me. (New Harvest 226)

It was a bit precarious in the sacred space with a wild wind blowing around me, remnants of autumn leaves swirling around  and the trees were shedding small branches that flew like kites in the uptake of the wind and others rolled across the lawn tossing and turning and tiny birds clutched the tree branches with match stick size pinions. It was indeed a  strong wind and it reminded me of the saying by P Wilding: ' Wind of God blow strong, blow fresh, blow now.' 

Mane Nobiscum Domine -  Remain with us Lord.  Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                    Swerling autumn leaves.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Fields of Vineyards

 'I am the true vine and my Father is the vine-grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no  fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit'. John 15:1-2

In driving past  'fields of vineyards' I was drawn to stop and pause, to just sit and look because I was suddenly engulfed with the words of John, 'I am the  true vine .' It's a real God moment when that happens. And what struck me in this moment was that there was something different about the vineyard today. Through the soft morning mist there was a sense of order and freshness, like an expectation, a waiting. The vines were trimmed, pruned and tidied, stripped of all the unwanted branches and the undergrowth with the rows of grasses and weeds freshly mown and there was a wonderful look of improvement, of having been 'tidied up ' and I knew the vine-grower had been and away across the fields I could see the worker in the next vineyard, pruning, trimming, and cutting and there was a sense of preparation.

Isn't it wonderful when the gospel leaps out at you in daily life?

Jehovah - shalom. The Lord is peace.    Anne, servant of the Lord.

Pruned to make more fruit.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Breath taking.

 Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, bow down before him, his glory proclaim. TIS 454

What words can we use to describe the beauty and breath-taking sights, smell and colour of spring? How can we describe the 'leap' in our heart when the first buds of the  blossom trees begin to open and cover the trees with a canopy of sweet smelling blooms?  As I walk through the garden I am blessed with bright yellow daffodils, heads nodding in the breeze and how can one not smile at their happiness!  Its like a 'fashion parade' in the garden - golden daffodils, blue, purple, pink,  and white violets, and the pink and white daphne. Its all not just a parade of colour  with  a sight for the eyes to behold but it comes with the double blessings of perfume and joy  that takes your breath away.  How creative, how beyond our understanding are the works of God showered upon us and I reflect that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

May the God of life bless you and keep you today and always.      Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                        Golden daffodils. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

and the kookaburra laughed.

 To God belongs the East and the West and wherever you turn, there is the face of God. Qur'an Surah 2

Stop and step aside awhile and take a retreat from daily life it is so refreshing, so life giving, so precious and there is a sharpness in shape and colour  about all that is around you that somehow you don't see in the business of life. The dew laden grass splatted with the blue of busy Wrens, silent mist covered hills, and wild grasses bending in the breeze, frolicking, playful  baby lambs and their quietly grazing mothers, green vivid shoots of the merging Canola crops, some already tipped in their yellow flowers  and a Kookaburra, winding up his laugh until he gets it out as full laughter  O that makes me smile! and  there, standing tall and silent are the kangaroos, the sentinels of the closing day which is painted in pink and red.  Peaceful, quiet, heavenly, a sacred space.

When we stop we find you, when we look we see you, and when we  listen we hear you.  

May God be with you always and more so in the sacred spaces.  Anne, servant of the Lord.                                         


Friday, August 9, 2024

Come to the Father

When you come near here remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. Exodus 3:5

The  morning comes scattering the darkness and covering the day with soft  light and what better place to start it than in a sacred space that is responding to a murmuring deep within  you saying 'come to the Father.' And what joys await. I think one of the greatest yet simplest  spiritual acts we can do is to spend time in silence with our Lord and lo, what peace and richness lies within it. There rises from my sacred space the beautiful rich God made perfume of the Daphne flowers crowding its bush, the perfume of God. I remember an  elderly lady once asked me in a little note she left for me in the nursing home chapel, she said:' Tell me, can you smell God, because this space today was filled with such a beautiful fragrance that the only way I could describe it was, it had to be from God.'  There is something about sacred spaces, they are places where God is- waiting- begging us- to join him.

May the peace of God fill your life every single day.   Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                            The perfume of God.