Friday, December 22, 2017

Come tarry with me.

And he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, non other has ever known.( Christian song)
I  often  hear this song  when I have Elvis singing  gospel music  on the CD in the car but it rings quieter in my heart when I am out walking. The perfume of the dew laden grass, and the absolute delight of hearing the small voice of a blue wren tucked away amidst the dense growth of a bush and the melodious solo  of the black bird. Sounds and sights of summer often broken in this Christmas season by the perpetual harassing cry of the baby Galahs pestering their mothers for more food, and more food. I thank God for such sights and sounds.  I cherish this time of the day walking  with God,talking to God, every morning. What joy and what a privilege to be able to share it..  This Christmas I find I am thanking God more and more for Jesus. May your Christmas be one of joy as you 'tarry' with Jesus and may you be the light that shines for many, leading others to Emmanuel......the God who is with us......always.
God's peace and blessings for this precious season.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

sounds of  an Australian Christmas

Monday, December 18, 2017

The greatest gift

God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Christmas is just around the corner and gift choosing is on our agenda as we shop with wish lists in our hand and I think, if I could give a gift to the world it would be that everyone knew the depth and meaning of this passage of scripture. Those precious words. That great love from God. That life changing  'living' that comes from a 'Christ filled life.'  Events in the world over the year have caused us shock, shame and horror. Sometimes we think can it get any worse, can it get even more evil from the  actions of those who 'live in the dark without the knowledge of Christ.'   Its a blessing to be able to stand in the cool freshness of the new day and feel the presence of God in the stillness. In all things he is with us even though at times it may not seem so. We cant change what is but we can make a difference. May each day be something we value and treasure. May we show love to all, Christ's love and may it be know to others by our words and actions.
Come Lord Jesus.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Peaceful morning walk

Friday, December 15, 2017

What a creator. What an artist

God created all kinds of birds. He blessed them all and told the birds to increase in number. Gen 1:21-22.
I woke up to the beautiful warbling of two magpies under the tree near my window. They were singing to their hearts content, wings spread as they were washing their black and white suits in the gently falling rain. Fussing about a short space away was the pair of pee-wee showing their two new offspring how to dance and sing in the rain. It was all such a picture of delight and enjoyment. And then, joyously , in the distance a kookaburra laughed, and he laughed and he laughed. And I laughed at the sight of the sulpha crested cockatoo swinging precariously on a branch that looked like it wouldn't hold his weight but he was full of fun as he bounced up and down causing the yellow rump finches to scatter in a flurry of yellow hues. What a mighty God we have. A God who created. A God who gave us and all creatures great and small his individual stamp of ownership. A God who loves all his creatures. As Christmas draws near we can reflect on what God has given us in the wonderful gifts of his creation and above all the wonderful gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord

What an artist. What a creator. What a God.

Monday, December 11, 2017


Its that time of the year when all the invitations come to us from family and friends.
Invitations to the pre Christmas parties
Invitations to school and university graduations
Invitations to end of year parties and celebrations
Invitation to holiday with family
Invitation to Christmas dinner.

But you know the best invitation comes from Jesus
'Come to me' he says in Mathew 11:28
'Come to me.'
 Now THAT is the best invitation we can ever get.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Come walk with me.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Seek O seek the Lord

Seek, O seek the Lord, while he is near. (TIS 464)
I love this quote from Mary Oliver: 'Hello, sun in my face.Hello, you who made the morning and spread it over the fields and into the face of the tulips'. It sort of beats just saying 'Good morning Lord.'  Oh, and did you see him smile at you today? I did, and it was for me in the glorious shape of the flower I call 'Grandma's bonnet.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord

Monday, December 4, 2017

Jogged awake.

Where were you while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy. Job 38:4-5
I like this saying by Annie Dillard. She says: 'If I am lucky I might be jogged awake by a bird call. This morning it was the wood duck.'  I  often wake up to the sounds of the early morning before I look the day in the face and today, in the distance was the melodious call of the blackbird, a solo artist singing its song to God from the top of the power line, the highest point it could find to sing its melody to everything with in ear shot.  How are we going to approach our day? with a song in our step that  sings to everyone within ear shot? A song that says I have joy, the joy of the Lord?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
perhaps this one jogged you awake?

Friday, December 1, 2017

Those pockets of fear

And the peace of God which transcends all our powers of thought, will be a garrison to guard your hearts and minds in Christ. Phil. 4:7 (Waymouth)
There is something 'deep' about the wording of some texts that is so meaningful...the peace of God which transcends all our powers of thought.....Have you been in that place where the storms in your life are raging yet by the power of God there is an inner peace, a calm below it all?  A lady was telling me about the shock she had after visiting the doctor who told her she needed open heart surgery. 'Initially,' she said 'my mind was full of all sorts of thoughts and I felt like I was in utter turmoil. I had no where to take my thoughts and fears but to God and then, wave after wave of his deep peace filled all those pockets of fear in me.I felt a peace I had never felt before.' Sometimes the storms of our lives rage like a storm across the ocean but you know, under the  surging waves of a stormy ocean, there is calm at its depths.  I read these words on a street notice board: Storms draw something out of us that calm seas don't. (B.Hybels)
May you ride each wave of  life's storms in the deep, deep peace of Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
below the turmoil lies  a deep calm.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Hand made by God

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. Psalm 104:24
I find it hard to decide what is my favourite season of the year. Perhaps the autumn and spring as they bring about such profound, noticeable change with colour, glory, beauty and many 'Ah', moments of wonder and joy. A kaleidoscope of shifting colours in autumn and an air of beauty and incense in spring where everything comes to life daily from dormant to bud to colour.   I find I can  look at all of God's creation , ' the shape, the beauty, the perfection, the imperfection, the colour, the perfume, the variety, the size and say to myself,  ' God you made that.' Phillip Keller wrote: Whenever I am afield or outdoors, there steals over me the acute consciousness that I am confronted on every hand by the superb workmanship of my Father. It is as if every tree, rock, river, flower, mountain, bird, or blade of grass had stamped upon it the indelible label, 'made by God.' Pop outside a moment and look about you. There is God's handiwork.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Yes, he even made these.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Everlasting God

The Lord is the everlasting God,the creator of the ends of the earth. Isaiah 40:28b
I wandered in the garden, as the song goes, 'while the dew was still on the roses.' I wandered among the mysteries of God. Among the incense of new roses, the brilliant coloured sweet peas and  fresh new mown grass, all to the melody of the garden birds and I thought of  this verse by Jane Armitage:
O thou who gave us eyes to see and love the sight so fair. Give us grace to seek out thee and see thee everywhere.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne,servant of the Lord

shine Jesus shine

Monday, November 20, 2017

warm gifts from God

I will sing forever of your love O Lord. (psalm 46)
        my peace be upon you forever
Its only a small thing, rather insignificantly sitting on my kitchen bench but it holds memories that make me smile every time I pass it. Its a small white jug that was given to me some time ago, full of violets and today it holds the memory of yesterdays walk, a  bunch of sweet smelling Jasmine that I plucked from its vine that was growing as one in an oak tree by the path I walked. When I saw it there dressed in yellow and white and flanked by green I found myself having a conversation with God for the rest of  my walk, about the beauty of his creation especially in unexpected pockets of almost hidden delight. In my conversation I reflected on the words of  Mary Oliver. ' Love for the earth and love for you are having such a long conversation in my heart.' 
Go slowly, slowly enough to not miss what God has put in your path today so its memory stays tomorrow and the next tomorrow and the next as a warm gift from God .

Friday, November 17, 2017

never was before.

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. Where can I go to meet with God. Psalm 42
I find I cant walk past the roses in all their glory without marveling at their beauty and colour. It seems every day the bush is not as it was yesterday. My walk may take me past a tree, a summer wattle about to burst into fragrant, pale yellow miniature balls of aroma far more obviously ready to burst open today than it looked yesterday and the mother magpie, a lone gatherer yesterday now has two persistent squawking babies fussing around her to be fed. Frederick Beuchner said: If you think you are seeing the same show all over again seven times a week, you're crazy. Every morning you wake up to  something that in all eternity never was before and will never be the same again.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
now they were not there yesterday!

Monday, November 13, 2017

remove your sandals

Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. Exodus 3:5
There is a quote by Elizabeth Barrett Browning which says:' Earth's crammed with heaven and every common bush afire with God; but only who sees takes off  his  shoes. The rest sit around and pluck blackberries!.'How often I see a brilliant, colour filled, 'stop in your tracks' sun rise and know that God is powerfully present. I look at the laughing kookaburra and know that God lives in all creatures. I smell the air filled perfume of the first  flush of roses on a cool evening and know that God is walking in the garden. It seems there is no space where God is not and we are one. God fills our every day spaces and when we see it,when we feel the oneness,  we know we are on holy ground. We know we are in the presence of God.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord.
Take off your shoes for you are on Holy Ground.

Friday, November 10, 2017

stay awake

Lord, lord, open to us. Matthew 25:11
It is so interesting to note that when we slow down we see more. When we are more aware we see more. The tiny little things that otherwise we miss. Its a bit like an awakening. An awakening to the things of creation which are of course, the things of God. When on retreat I noticed something that in the rush of daily life I would have missed. It was an intricate, most perfectly constructed mud nest of a tiny God made creature, perfectly crafted on the side of a brick wall. Who lives there I wondered. I don't know, but God does....and its owner. It was a delight, a blessing, to see what could have otherwise been missed.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
The home of one of God's creatures.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Foot print of the Holy

Glorify the Lord with me;let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3
I came home from my walk with  four dandelion heads in my hand, you know, the 'fluffy tops.' I couldn't help but  bend down and pick them as my mind flooded with childhood memories of sitting in the paddock with friends...half hidden  in lush  spring grass, making daisy chains and blowing the heads of the dandelions. I introduced my youngest grandson into picking dandelions and blowing the heads off as he called 'whats the time Mr Wolf' and we delighted in watching the tiny parachutes of seeds float through the air. I thought, God is so good. In all the events of life he still draws us back to times of joy, love, peace and harmony and its an awakening, a revival of his presence in all the moments of life. To quote Richard Foster: 'God wants us to be present where we are. He invites us to see and to hear what is around us and through it all, to discern the foot print of the Holy.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Friday, November 3, 2017

What a God

May the Lord bless you and keep you. (Aaronic blessing
I always say that some things have to remain a mystery and one of those mysteries is the magnitude of a God who can know us and love us all individually and separately. Not just us here and now but those gone before us and those yet to come. What a God.  His love is such that he wants to constantly shower us with his blessings. You only have to look at your own life, and life and creation  about you.  We know ourselves when we love and care for someone we want to express that by giving a gift, sometimes just the gift of ourselves.God displays his love and power around us and among us, he is a lavish giver. Look at your life, look about you,there is no end to his love. In every season of the year God colours his world with love.  Springtime  to me is  one massive bouquet from God, given in love.
 Blessing upon blessing as the love of God shines on you.
Anne, servant of the Lord
A bouquet of God's love 

Monday, October 30, 2017

its simple yet hard

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with with all your soul and with all your mind and  love your neighbour as yourself. Matthew 22:37-39
I had thoughts from Sundays sermon going through my mind and found myself reflecting on it often and deeply. A young priest was preaching on this passage of scripture and in among a wonderful sermon were these words.' Love your neighbour as yourself....its that simple and its that hard.' Among the many connections we have with people, this is what we are called to do by Jesus.  I can be constantly reminded of the command from Jesus,  on how it is to love my neighbour as self when I work among the 4 houses I declutter every week. When I visit  the  isolated and house bound, too fearful to leave their front gate. When I gather with the group of people with disability or when I am at the day respite we run at church.   Again came profound words from the sermon.  'Its messy, its hard, yet wonderful and beautiful.' When we can see that then we truly  know that we love the Lord our God and our neighbour as ourself.
Go in peace to Love and serve the Lord.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Covenant Care Day Respite.

Friday, October 27, 2017

How is your world?

Show me the faithful love of the Lord. 1 Samuel 20:14
It fascinates me how we  often see things differently. Some people see a rose bush as a bush of thorns with flowers and others see it as a bush of flowers, with thorns. Some people hear wind chimes as an irritating noise; others hear them as beautiful music.I can think of a frail aged person lying in a nursing home bed or a child with a disabled body, both struggling with daily life, and see them as the dwelling place of God, as it is with you or me.
I was given 3 most beautiful red roses yesterday, filled with a deep perfume that took over the space in my office. They were delicately crafted by the master, perfumed for pleasure and enjoyment and sharing with others. I have a small cast iron bell that hangs in the garden outside my window and it only takes a gentle breeze for it to give off the most delicate, perfectly tuned ring. As I watch the morning come or the day depart this little bell just adds to my reflective thoughts.  Some of my dearest 'flock' are the elderly, some of my greatest joy comes from the disabled.
How we see the world is how we respond to it.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
God calling  in the tiny bell

Monday, October 23, 2017

resurrections and epiphanies

For the joy of the Lord is your strength.. Neh 8:10
I just love the resurrection of the garden in spring. The transformation of a drab space into moments of wonder as week by week the plants come to life in colour, bloom and perfume. I stood in wonder yesterday at the  Dutch Iris in the garden. They were a yellow like I hadn't seen before, so bright and I couldn't help but think what a happy colour yellow is.It makes you smile.I love to wander about the garden being amazed by each new burst of blessing. Its like coming out of darkness into light. Like being asleep and waking up. Its like individual moments of resurrections and epiphanies that bring joy to our hearts, and a closeness to God. (Stanislow says) Joy comes in little whispers, in unexpected glimpses of mystery.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Joy in abundance even for the bee.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Can you count the stars?

He took him outside and said, 'Look up at the sky and count the stars - if indeed you can count them.' Genesis 15:5
 God never does anything small. Have you noticed that? ( L.B.Cowman says) When he made the oceans he made them so deep that we cant fathom them. When he made the mountains he made them so large that no one can measure or weigh them. When he makes flowers and scatters them he makes multi millions of them.' When God does something for us it is something that is love filled, it leaves us in awe and wonder and  amazement. As you read that I can almost see your heads nodding in agreement because your thoughts have gone to what he has done, out of grace, in your life, your ministry...... and its in abundance.
Grace and peace ( in abundance) from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
wide, wide as the ocean, deep deep as the sea is Jesus love for me.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Rooted and grounded in love

How deep the Fathers love for us, how vast beyond all measure. (Christian song)
I sat in the dry  river bed around Alice Springs and  looked at this most amazing eucalyptus tree standing firmly rooted in the river bed  that was just a dry and arid dust bowl yet the tree was flourishing, there was no sign of withering. Its roots were well above the ground yet they must have also been very deep down into the sandy bed where it had a  supply of water and gained its strength to hold on, obviously so rooted in place that it stood tall, strong and grounded. As I looked at it I thought of how we are anchored to God. We can either have shallow roots that struggle to find water, the living water, or we can send our roots deep down, well into his love where we find strength, security and life. When our roots are well established in Christ we also wont wither as we are rooted, strengthened and established in his love.
John of the Cross said. Well and good if all things change, O Lord God, provided I am rooted in you.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Rooted and grounded. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

The smiling face of God

All things bright and beautiful ......the Lord God made them all. TIS 135.
Spring is the time when God surrounds us with his smile. Glorious colours of the flowers in bloom, deep green grass and breath taking sunrises and sunset. This is the season when all creation 'shouts' before us the smiling face of God. His presence is a present. A gift. A treasured gift. As much as its a case of taste and see for the Lord is God, it is also  about look and see, feel and see, touch and see, for the Lord is good.  Did you see God smile for you today?
God's smile.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Blessed assurance

In all things......I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matt 28:20
Is it about getting older and growing deeper in our faith or is it about us realising God's deep love for us or what is it that we get this great sense, this revelation , that all the words of God are indeed true, are confirmed in our hearts more and more as life goes on. We always knew the truth, but did we always know the great assurance of it. Today as I listen to the birds rejoicing in the gift of the new day, fresh from an overnight storm I feel that assurance, that deep love of God, that gift of his grace, that saved me. I hope and pray that it dwells richly in your heart, that blessed assurance.
For the mercy I could never deserve. The debt I could never repay. The love I could never  earn. I thank God every day.(anon)  What a gift.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne,servant of the Lord.
center of the labyrinth. Campfire of the heart NT

Friday, October 6, 2017

Something that gives you goosebumps

See if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down an overflowing blessing. Mal 3:10
Blessings are so special.
The small child who puts his hand in yours. Seeing the complete bright  rainbow after a storm. The smile of an elderly person. Seeing the joy of achievement by one with a disability. Looking at a glorious view. Seeing the tiniest of blue wrens in the garden. Coming across a beautiful little flower on a plain bush. Having a retreat in the desert. I ask myself what is a blessing? And I answer. Something that gives you goosebumps. Something that makes you feel warm and happy inside, something that comes from God.
May God's blessings be about you today in the expected and in the unexpected.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
A blessing

Monday, October 2, 2017

Joy, is the flag  flown high from the castle of my heart when the King is in residence there. (New harvest 19)
If we see, actually see aright then we know that this vast and beautiful land is packed with joy. Deep joy.It overflows with joy if we stop to take it in even from the smallest, tiniest wild flower to the stars that throb in uncountable numbers across the sky. I often think of the word 'joy' and try and define it and  I think its that  deep and wonderful feeling we have before it bursts into a blessing. It can be found hidden deep down in the heart of all things, even in the massive rocks of a mountain range, or the peeling bark of an ancient eucalyptus tree, to say nothing of the sunrise as the day dawns. Joy, delight, blessings. That's how I think it goes.
Grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
joy, delight, blessings. A desert sunrise.

Friday, September 22, 2017

God's paint palate

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
   The minute I step outside to go for a walk I am met by the rich smell of spring. The blossom on the prunus tree and the sweet lingering perfume of the Daphne and it all sits in the silence of the rich red sunrise coming across the  morning sky.   It reminds me  each day of God's faithfulness to us. He never fails to produce a beautiful spring or a glorious autumn or the changing shapes of winter and the sharp, shimmering images of summer. Day by day he delivers. What an array of colours he must have on his paint palate. You can almost hear him mulling over it. 'Ah, what colour will I make that. How far will I spread the sunrise today and will I progress the blossom on the wattle to an even sharper, brighter more brilliant yellow. Will I take them along another branch.' Each day  sets my thoughts on   God and my day ahead. I like these thoughts by Mary Fleeson:
My journey is always just a beginning. A fresh new day on an old, old path. That's the blessing . That's where the hope blossoms.   No matter how much I wondered yesterday I can start again tomorrow and when all my tomorrows are used up I'll still have traveled. And you know what people say, Its the journey that counts not the arriving.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne,servant of the Lord.
The colours on God's paint palate.

Monday, September 18, 2017

spend a moment in wonder

As sorrowful,yet always rejoicing;as poor,yet making many rich;as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. 2 Corinthians 6:10
The glorious spring. God in all his glory. The wattle so bright yellow and in such variety. Have you noticed that? Like all things God makes, nothing is the same. Then there is the Japonica so deep red or sometimes white and as for the daffodils, well there is a garden at my place that has bunches of beautiful daffodils. There are some with apricot trumpets,some with yellow, some with white, some with a pale pink.What rich and beautiful gifts from God. They are real draw cards to see him, far surpassing material things. Made by God in order that we may see God and love him even more. What heavenly gifts can you see where you are right now? God has put them there just for you. Spend a moment in wonder with him reflecting: 'as having nothing yet possessing all things.'
Anne, servant of the Lord.
you cant look at a bright faced daffodil and not smile.

Friday, September 15, 2017

treasure chest

And now O Father mindful of your love....we here present, we here spread forth to thine own service make us glad and free. (Paraphrased )hymn W Bright
I had this image this morning as the sun rose deep deep yellow on the horizon then soft pink spreading across the sky and then, a brilliant light, so bright that it was dazzling to look at as it heralded in the new morning.
It was like God was opening the lid on the treasure chest and letting out the treasure. The treasure of a new full day. Full of colour. Dressed for life. Untouched. Fresh. Waiting to be embraced and loved and used for him.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Gentle water fall

'....and in all we do...' (A collect for grace BCP)
How can we not be filled with hope, affirmation and assurance when we experience the moving of the Holy Spirit? Sometimes the Spirit is so real, so near, so 'in us' that its a place of oneness. A  place we don't want to leave. Its like this: An elderly lady in the nursing home told me how she was feeling following the church service she had just been too. She said she felt so 'alive' and 'full of God's blessings.' God is so real,' she said. 'so within me. A deep, deep presence that showers me with constant blessings. Its like  standing under a gentle waterfall and having the water flowing over me.'
What sacred ground. It's the very real experiences of others in the faith that enable us to 'run the race with perseverance' gathering as many as we can along the way. Picking up those who have fallen or lost their way so they too can come to know the living God. And being spurred on by those who have seen the light.  In the Prayer-given Life it says: today I have been brought in safety to this new day, a true, free gift and so we pray. ' us to the fulfilling of your purpose;through Jesus Christ our Lord.'
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Blessed assurance.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Remember me

I the Lord of sea and sky. I have heard my people cry.  Who will bear my light for them? whom shall I send? (Here I am Lord  TIS 658 (paraphrased)
I had been out in the community,( visible in clerical dress) doing some physical work with people with hoarding issues and decided on the way home that I needed a coffee. I stopped by a coffee shop that I had never visited before and the lady behind the counter said to me. ' You are a God send if ever there was one.' At first I didn't know what she meant and then she went on to say. 'Remember me, I use to be at the coffee shop in the shopping center down the road a bit.' I did remember. She went on to say. ' I asked God to send someone to me today. My mother died yesterday and I needed someone to pray for the presence of God in peace.'   'Indeed I will pray. I am going back to church at the moment and will light a candle for you and your mother, in the chapel but lets pray now.' I could sense the other three people in the shop get up from their seats and I thought they were going to leave. Instead they came closer as I said a short prayer of comfort.
Roy Lessin wrote: Jesus will come to you in the most unexpected times. In the most unexpected ways and through the most unexpected people.
Be blessed in these special meetings with God
Anne, servant of the Lord
Here I am Lord

Monday, September 4, 2017

Love from God

Morning has broken like the new morning (TIS 156)
I opened the blinds in my office and the new morning came flooding in to the song of a cheeky pee-wee on the picket fence and right on my lips were the words of this lovely hymn. What a blessing. Longfellow has a saying. 'Into all our lives, in many simple, familiar, homely ways, God infuses this element of joy from the surprises of life,which unexpectantly brighten our days and fill our eyes with light.' I think that is so profound and fills one with joy just to read it. Think of your days  and the blessings that come expectantly. Treasured gifts from God, that's what I call a blessing. They are mine. They are rich. They are special. They are personal, life giving,faith affirming and exciting They are like love from God directly to our heart. Sometimes this love comes to us  from a glorious sunset. Sometimes it comes from a beautiful single flower. Sometimes it comes from serving others.
When you settle down tonight  don't count sheep if you take awhile to sleep, count your blessings from this day  and be blessed. I can guarantee you will be asleep before you finish counting as they will be so numerous
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord

Friday, September 1, 2017

Heavenly places

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Ephesians 1:3
 I commented at a gathering, as I held a bunch of Jonquils, that one smell of them and I was back as a 10 year old sitting in a paddock with friends, surrounded by bunches of jonquils. And again, one smell of the Daphne and I am in the garden of my grandparents. So many smells and perfumes that transfer me into a lovely time lock of memories. I always feel there is something spiritual in those experiences. They are so spontaneous, without thought, so quick and so comforting.Happy memories or should I call them blessings in heavenly places.
Where are the heavenly places on earth for you? Where is it that the spontaneous spiritual blessings come to you?

May your day be filled with heavenly places.
Anne,servant of the Lord.

Monday, August 28, 2017

the depth of Gods love

 'How deep the Fathers love for us. How vast beyond all measure.' (Hymn)
I paused when I went out the door for a walk. There before me on the lawn was a flock of King Parrots and the more I looked the more I could see deep into their beautiful colours. They are a magnificent bird. The air is crisp and clear after yesterdays flurry of snow and I felt that God was in his house. As I walked we communicated without rambling and into my mind came the words of this song.'How deep the Fathers love for us.' I began to tease out some thoughts on the words 'deep' and the 'depth' of God's love. Thoughts like: The gift of this new day. The strength to do his will. The ability to see him in all creation.The deep yellow of the wattle in bloom, the perfume of the Daphne, his aroma, filling the air. The chorus of magpies. And I thought of the arms of a friend around me and my arms around another in need. I thought of a deep, deep bottomless well going deeper and deeper into my soul where it touched the point of no words and I knew the depth of the Father's love.
Take a moment to smell the flowers. Listen to the morning call of the birds. Give away a hug in friendship and be a blessing to those who cross your path........and breathe in the deep, deep love of God.
Anne, servant of the Lord
inviting themselves for breakfast!!

Friday, August 25, 2017

God's work

Speak , Lord for your servant is listening. 1 Samuel 3:9
I am intrigued by the prunus tree that I see in my street. For so many weeks they have  looked seemingly dead yet now, hanging from the branches are clusters of  bright pink blossoms. A sign of new life, beauty and hope. The sight of it makes me feel 'good', deep inside. Somehow it has a message about it. A God message and I am reminded of this saying.
I said to the almond tree. Show me the things of God. And the almond tree blossomed. (anon)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Not alone

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14
I think of my favourite solo singing artists. The ones who's voices make me stop in my tracks and  give me goosebumps, so moving and emotional is the voice.  Such artists as Bocelli, Enja, Sarah Brightman but of all the solo artists the one that moves me most, takes my breath away and puts me at the feet of Jesus, is the solo magpie at the break of dawn.If ever there was a morning voice to God that says it all then this is it. The strong, melodious warbling is for me, the morning call to focus on God as the day begins to cover the night. Somehow it causes me to think of the 'silent' morning songs that are going up to God in our morning prayers. In itself, this one voice of the solo  magpie represents all the unheard voices raising their prayers to God at the start of a new day.
Do you ever get the sense when you are saying your daily office, your morning prayers, in the quiet of your chosen space, that you are not doing it alone? Reflect on the things in life that bring you to the feet of Jesus and be blessed.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Friday, August 18, 2017

God's peace

The peace of God that passes all understanding.....(APB)
In the quiet, in the stillness, as the new day was being made
there was God
and there was me.
What peace
What a way to start a day, wrapped in the creators arms.

May your day be one of new beginnings.
 May your day be one of peace.
May your day be where you find peace.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne Servant of the Lord.

Monday, August 14, 2017

life and health and peace

O for a thousand tongues to sing my great redeemers praise. TIS 210
What a way to wake up of a morning  with a hymn on your lips and in your heart. The morning is  showing promise of a lovely day and is alive with a wonderful chorus that was completely in harmony with the paint brush in God's hand as he painted a loud, colourful  dawn of bold pink, red and blue.The chorus was magnificent. Two crows singing high and low in harmony with each other.   Crimson Rosellas 'pipping,'  The cheeky pewees adding their shrill voice and a flock of yellow rump finches just seemed to pull together a chorus of a thousand tongues singing praise to our great Redeemer. I joined in the chorus with: My gracious Master and my God, assist me to proclaim. To spread throughout all the earth abroad, the honours of your name. (Charles Wesley)
Take these words with you as you go into your day because such music in our ears is life, and health and peace.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Waiting to join in!

Friday, August 11, 2017

In the presence of the Lord

Be still for the presence of the Lord is moving in this place. (Hymn)
Pre dawn is such a blessed time. Deep in the fading darkness comes signs and sounds of light and life. its the opening in the blinds of my room that says the day is coming. Its the sounds of the birds waking and calling (its a cheeky pee-wee at the moment!) checking out each other, that says the day is coming. Its the first step outside the door into the fresh morning air, waiting to be warmed by a not too far off sun, that says the day is coming. Its the quarter moon aligned with two bright stars fading into light that says the day is coming and slowly the wonder turns to awe, the puffs of cotton wool like grey clouds turn a shade of pink and orange  and all is alive with light that says the day has come. Be still in the presence of the Lord, the Holy One is here.
Blessed be your day
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Precious God given love

Take my love;my Lord, I pour, at thy feet its treasure stored. TIS 599
The greatest thing that God asks of us is that we love one another and what an example we have if we look to him. We know what its like when someone shows us love in so many ways, we know how that makes us feel and how much it gives us life.
I was looking at God's love this past week when I visited the dementia ward of the nursing home with my little dog. I was looking at God's love as I listened to  an aid worker telling of the humanitarian crisis in Syria and I was looking at God's love this morning as I saw even more bright yellow blossoms bursting on the branches of the winter wattle and smelt its perfume in the air, God's perfume. As I wrapped the prayers of the morning around my heart I prayed.  Take our love Lord, our precious God given love, like the five barley loaves and two small fishes, and multiply it, so that it may be a blessing to you and to others.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord

Friday, August 4, 2017

Treasure the pearl of great price

O God the fount of wisdom, you have revealed to us in Christ the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price. (opening line of the Collect for 8th Sunday after Pentecost)
In my bottom draw I have a small, red velvet container and inside it is a string of  'real' pearls. I recall  the great excitement I felt when I purchased them on a cruise liner way back in the 1960's as a  gift for my mother who had never had the chance to own such a precious  gift.  Her joy was almost in describable. Somehow I connect this story with the parable of the pearl of great price. Once we find it;once we receive it; our lives are filled with joy and even more so, once we give it to someone else their lives are also transformed into experiences until then, unknown. I have a lonely isolated lady in the community that I visit who has no joy and no hope in her life. I am going to take the red velvet container with the pearls in it and tell her this story  of that pearl of great price.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
A string of pearls in the spirituality tin of hidden treasures.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Silent witness

All God's creatures have a place in the choir. (Christian song)
Its been my experience before and now I see it again. I went for a walk in the dementia wing of the nursing home with me little dog, to visit a friend but she was out with family, so I decided to go for a wander about.  One elderly  lady literally ran to catch up with me, and in a foreign language started calling the dog. She was overjoyed and danced around lifting the dogs front legs in a dancing motion. She stayed with us for about 5 minutes in this window of joy before wandering off.  A staff member then approached me. This delightful, very dark skinned young man bent to pat her and noticed the cross on her collar. He immediately pulled a cross from beneath the neck of his shirt and said 'I have one too! we both know God loves us.' A little dog, an old wooden cross on her collar and time on my hands and God's love made a difference and brought joy.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ,
Anne, servant of the Lord

Friday, July 28, 2017

Looking at God's love

For your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth Psalm 26:3
This morning had a real sense of 'come walk with me ' about it from the moment I stepped out the door. The ground was wet from an early morning shower of rain and the air was fresh. On the empty trees hung one or two remnants of the past autumn and a lone magpie on the fence was heralding in the morning. A gum tree close by was 'painted pink' with the light of the wintry sunrise and the sky was as a painting in progress by a master artist as its colours were caught up in the swirling formation of the wind driven clouds. I stopped and looked. One of those looks when you see right into what it is you are looking at and I realised I was looking at God's love. Take time today to look into God's love for it will carry you through the day......and beyond.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord

Monday, July 24, 2017


For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Neh 8:10
You know how it feels when you round a corner, or come over the crest of a hill and there before you is the most stunning,breathtaking sunset,or breathtaking view or a kookaburras laugh breaks  the stillness of the morning or even  when you come across an unexpected family of 'roos' on the walking track, grazing and just 'being family' or recently for me its the sudden landing of the Red Robin on my picket fence. All the elements of pleasurable surprise. I was touched by these words in a recent conversation 'joy comes through surprise.' We have a God of surprises, who fills our heart and lives with joy. A God of surprises who meets us often when we least expect it.
Water dragon crossed my path on the lawn by the river.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Dwell in the house of the Lord

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord.  Ps 27:4
Sometimes the best things in life are those things nearest  to us. The crispness of the morning frost letting us know we are alive! The frozen dew drops on the tip of a leaf, hanging, suspended,paused, frozen in the moment. The weak sunlight   pushing through the fog creating those moments of 'haunting beauty'. The Daphne at the front door, about to burst into a perfume that will take your memory back in time. A day ahead prayed in and over, full of challenges and promise and adventure and delights, hand in hand with Jesus. Robert Louis Stevenson said: 'The best things are the the nearest, the  breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes,flowers at your feet,duties at hand, the path of God before you.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Beautifully formed cones like candles in the fir tree.

Monday, July 17, 2017

your glorious light

God himself is present, let us now adore him (TIS 121)
There is something special in that thin space between night and day and we call it dawn because that is what it is, the dawning of a new day with new possibilities, new hopes and new opportunities and it is such a gift. And, its this special time of the day that God and I are one. I love hymn 121 . The verses are full of words that are so meaningful and sit beautifully on my heart. Its one of those hymns that keep coming to you hours and days after its been sung and its words put you in a place of prayer and meditation . (v3) 'Let your glorious light, Lord, permeating all things, reach my face and eyes to touch them: as the tender flowers open out their petals, to the sun their hearts unfolding, So may I, calm in joy, hold your rays from heaven, power within me working.'   
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ,
Anne, servant of the Lord

Friday, July 14, 2017

I see Jesus

Tend the flock of God........willingly. 1 Peter 5:2
I find the nearness of Jesus comes naturally when I just look at things in daily life.
I see a river and hear Jesus say: 'if you come to me you will not be thirsty.'
I see a paddock of sheep and hear Jesus say: 'I am the good shepherd.'
I take a slice of bread for my breakfast and hear Jesus say: 'I am the bread of life.'
I see a flock of topknot pigeons on the grass with the Grass Parrots,  Rosellas and King Parrots and I hear the melody of All things bright and beautiful, the Lord God made them all.
I see a small flowering plant growing through a crack in the wall and I know Jesus loves me.
I see the needy daily in my ministry and I want to sing: 'Jesus, O Jesus Come and fill our lives.' (TIS)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
King Parrots

Monday, July 10, 2017

moments of stillness

Be still for the presence of the Lord is moving in this place. (Hymn)
'That stopped me in my tracks 'is a common saying among us  when we see something that takes our eye and catches our attention suddenly; that something that causes our soul to smile. Its often a sudden moment where stillness find us.
Sister Kennedy says: Such moments are in the smile of a child on a train, the budding of the cherry blossom at the gate, the sweet scent of the clematis in the garden, the look behind forgiving eyes, the fresh eggs left on the door step. But for me yesterday , it was the beautiful Robin Redbreast sitting on the Pickett fence just outside my study window; a moment when stillness found me.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
A winter visitor

Friday, July 7, 2017

God of all faithfulness

O perfect love. (TIS 603)
I was looking at the bare trees outside the window and noticing  the full ripe buds getting ready to burst open as spring approaches and yesterday when driving in the suburb I  noticed a tree dressed in pink blossoms, its buds impatient giving way to full bloom. What a faithful loving God who without fail produces the seasons of our year as he produces the seasons of our lives. I love the quote which I have used a few times now that  says: 'I said to the almond tree show me the things of God' and the almond tree blossomed. Sister Stan says: Gazing at the pale yellow buds of the camellia opened, I knew I was unconditionally loved.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord

Monday, July 3, 2017

Encouragement for the day.

Its a glorious feeling to be able to unload my heart,to spill out my gratitude in thanks to you O God. Morning noon and night I want the whole world to know of your love. Psalm 92:1-2 (Psalms Now)
 A lady I visit in the community is constantly searching for Jesus. She has a hard life, a lonely life and longs to walk with Jesus as her companion. 'I use to know him' she said 'as a child I knew him but then he went away.I know I have you to help me now but where is Jesus?'  I told her about the story in the bible of the two who were walking on the road to Emmaus after Jesus had left them and how this stranger came alongside and through conversation and journey and an invitation to supper  Jesus was revealed. This psalm ends by saying: help us, those of us who love you O God to prove to our disjointed world that you are in our midst. Marcina Wiederkehr  would say: May your work this day be your love made visible;may you breathe upon the wounds of those with whom you work;may your voice this day be a voice of encouragement;may your life be an answer to someones prayer;may the lamp of your life  shine upon all you meet  this day;may the Spirit touch your spirit in this morning pause and your day be blessed.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord

Friday, June 30, 2017

earthly treasures

For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies. for the love which from our birth, over and around us lies. Christ our God to you we raise, this our sacrifice of praise.(Tis 137)
These words came to me as I was looking at the very full buds on the Japonica bush 'bursting' in readiness to go on display and visible here and there are the jonquil bulbs with fat buds also in readiness in a bed of very highly perfumed violets and there, hidden on the north side of a fallen log is the moss growing in its own rugged and earthy bed. So much beauty at a glance, a treasury of expectation, of hope, of love, of surprise, of God.
(Sister Stan says ) The treasures of the earth are free and full of surprises.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
mossy log,earthly beauty

Monday, June 26, 2017

Holy delight

God himself is present (TIS 121)
 I loved to walk through the fallen autumn leaves kicking them with great delight  and there is something special and thought provoking about 'hearing' the leaves as they fall from the trees. Its like a kaleidoscope of soft gentle music. Early morning  has so many points of connection with God  that bring delight, refreshment and preparation for the day and the birds add their voice to that as the little Pee-wee dances on the ice in the birdbath. There is something of 'holy delight' in creation and the creator. (Sister Stanizlow says) Creation speaks to those who hear with their hearts..
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Cathedral grounds Goulburn