Friday, November 3, 2017

What a God

May the Lord bless you and keep you. (Aaronic blessing
I always say that some things have to remain a mystery and one of those mysteries is the magnitude of a God who can know us and love us all individually and separately. Not just us here and now but those gone before us and those yet to come. What a God.  His love is such that he wants to constantly shower us with his blessings. You only have to look at your own life, and life and creation  about you.  We know ourselves when we love and care for someone we want to express that by giving a gift, sometimes just the gift of ourselves.God displays his love and power around us and among us, he is a lavish giver. Look at your life, look about you,there is no end to his love. In every season of the year God colours his world with love.  Springtime  to me is  one massive bouquet from God, given in love.
 Blessing upon blessing as the love of God shines on you.
Anne, servant of the Lord
A bouquet of God's love