Monday, November 27, 2017

Hand made by God

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. Psalm 104:24
I find it hard to decide what is my favourite season of the year. Perhaps the autumn and spring as they bring about such profound, noticeable change with colour, glory, beauty and many 'Ah', moments of wonder and joy. A kaleidoscope of shifting colours in autumn and an air of beauty and incense in spring where everything comes to life daily from dormant to bud to colour.   I find I can  look at all of God's creation , ' the shape, the beauty, the perfection, the imperfection, the colour, the perfume, the variety, the size and say to myself,  ' God you made that.' Phillip Keller wrote: Whenever I am afield or outdoors, there steals over me the acute consciousness that I am confronted on every hand by the superb workmanship of my Father. It is as if every tree, rock, river, flower, mountain, bird, or blade of grass had stamped upon it the indelible label, 'made by God.' Pop outside a moment and look about you. There is God's handiwork.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Yes, he even made these.