Friday, July 19, 2024

My, they are a marvel to see.


Come my heart says, seek his face, your face Lord do I seek:  Psalm 27. 8

In the afternoon walk I set myself a mediative goal, to see what hidden blessings I can find and have a talk with Jesus about my discoveries. I mean, look at those acorns on the ground then look at the mighty tree they have fallen from, who would imagine such a tiny thing could grow into such a tree and there, just there in a patch of the grass on the common ground is a beautiful deep purple violet, standing alone, far from its home bunch in some nearby garden, and the King Parrots, my, they are a marvel to see dressed in ever so bright red and green beautifully groomed feathers. I wonder, I just wonder what joy God must have had in creating colour, shape and images for us and how many of them we pause to marvel at. I read this little reflection: 'In the tiny petal of a tiny flower that grew from a tiny pod is the miracle and the mystery of all creation and God.

May the God of life bless you and keep you today and always.  Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                Beauty in  a field of common ground.