Friday, June 21, 2024

Turn your eyes upon Jesus.

 Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done and  his miracles. Psalm 104: 4

I recall sitting out side a house of prayer recently when I was on a retreat. The view was captivating. The green of the rural countryside, rolling hills, seed planted fields and roaming, grazing sheep in paddocks before me emanated peace. Suddenly I could hear a group of people from the prayer room beginning to sing, softly, gently, slowly: 'Turn your eyes upon Jesus', followed by 'Isn't he beautiful.' All in one spirit I joined in, as did others near by and the Spirit of God filled that place. Later I wrote in my journal: God is before me in the morning, dressed in all his wonderful, beautiful creation. Everywhere I look I can see him and I heard a still small voice whisper. 'As you sit looking at me, so am I looking at you. You see me in creation, so I see you in creation,' and there was a deep sense of oneness.

Take time, make time, to pause, stop and enjoy God's handiwork, his fingerprints and loving touches which abound in nature...…..turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full in his wonderful face.

Go well into the day, encounter the soft breeze of the Spirit across your face and walk humbly with Jesus by your side.         Anne, servant of the Lord.
