Friday, June 28, 2024

Kissed by his peace.

 God gives richly all things to enjoy. 1 Timothy 6:17

The real gift in God's beauty is to recognise the creator, the one who made all that is before our eyes in creation. If you stand at a scenic lookout looking  across vast green valleys to distant hills and high purple mountains, and then add a pastel pink and red and blue setting sun in the sky or look into the centre of a tiny, tiny Forget-me-not  you will be so enriched and much blessed if you see in it all the creator and not just the creation and you will be 'kissed' by his peace.

I read these lovely words somewhere recently; 'God sprinkles tiny hints of heaven on earth.' a sunset, the smell of the ocean, strains of music, a beautiful scene, the trill of a tiny bird, the laugh of the kookaburra, the sweet, deep perfume of the Daphne flower - all to give us a hint, a tiny taste of what's to come - mere glances and flashes of heaven.'

May the God of all creation bless us and keep us today and always.  Anne, servant of the Lord.
