Sit here while I go over there and pray. Mat 26:36
The sacred space was dew laden and mist covered but still, ever so still and quiet and there was a peace about it. I think the birds are still tucked up in their feathers because there is not a sound. My eyes went to the garden already turning into its winter look as if dying for the season but then I see there are green leaves of the jonquils rising from the cold ground that in their time, will flower in their glory, and buds are forming on the Daphne bush where I try to catch the smell of that heavenly perfume but its too soon yet. Going to the sacred space is a bit like going on a pilgrimage for it is a journey in itself, not of distance but of seeking God where we are, isn't that what a pilgrimage is about, a place to go, to reflect, to cast off your cares and see and seek and find God? Where is your favourite pilgrimage? Where do you seek and find God?
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Let the journey begin.