Friday, June 25, 2010

HIS friends

' Kneels at the feet of his friends, silently washing their feet.........Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love, show us how to serve the neighbours we have in you..........' (Christian song)

We model Christ as Christians and when I got up today with the line of this song running through my head I reflected on the past week to see, if in fact I had knelt at the feet of HIS friends and washed their feet.

Then I thought of the lady at a funeral who wept uncontrollably on my shoulder.
I thought of the child at school, calling loudly, 'God's teacher, can we have our God's class soon?'
I thought of the elderly lady at the supermarket who couldn't carry her shopping to her car.
I thought of the journey with a dying lady.
I thought of you all and your days work and I thought how God's love is shared, I thought of all the feet of HIS friends that will be washed.
The 'I's' are not about the 'me' but about the Christ within me.
Servant ministry is about serving and isnt it wonderful to be a server of the Lord.
Go forth with God's blessings.......and serve. Wash all the feet you can, in the name of Christ.