Monday, June 7, 2010

God is present.

'Be still for the presence of the Lord, the Holy one is here.' Christian song.
Scattered, thick grey clouds dotted the evening sky and each one was surrounded and backed by a blaze of red. It was like someone had drawn with a red florescent texter around the clouds and then started to softly colour the grey areas.

I thought of God.
I thought of those coming into his presence with a grey cloud hanging over them and how his light can brighten them and become part of them.
I thought of a disabled, wheel chair bound lady I have organised a team to visit who until now has had no friends for years and has been house bound most of her days. She said her life is like a nothing but we now bring for her hope, friendship and love, in the name of Christ.
Whenn I looked at that sunset I couldn't help but reflect on how the love and presence of God can be so transforming.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.