Monday, September 21, 2009

Those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness

‘Those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.’ Proverbs 14:22

So true.........
The morning is glorious and God is well and truly up........the only sound in the breaking dawn was that of the black bird I walked and talked to God, surveying him in all his splendour in nature.............. I left my plans for the day with him.

It is so much easier to front the day in partnership with God.......inviting him into all your plans and intentions.................laying them all before him so he can order them according to HIS plan. .......and whatever the day brings there is always an act of kindness, a joy shared, a deed done that flows from the joint plan of action...

Take this thought with you today:
‘ One small deed accomplished is better than a hundred unfulfilled promises.’ (Rice)

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
