Friday, September 18, 2009

Give thanks to the Lord of lords

‘Give thanks to the Lord of him who alone does great wonders, his love endures forever.' Psalm 136:3-4

You only have to step out the door on this glorious spring morning to have that line of the psalm fall of your lips.........beautiful, fresh and washed everywhere you look....sun shining, recent rain and birds full of the business of spring...............First thing that comes to mind is that constant ‘thank you Lord’ not just for what beholds me as I go out the back gate, but for all that has gone before..............the good, the hard, the challenges, the blessings...............there is no real word for God’s love..............its best felt in the awe that is followed by silence.....and expressed in actions that flow through us all.

Show that expression of the love that overflows in it to everyone who passes through your it through the joy of knowing the love of the Lord.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.